At the beginning of every year, people make a list of resolutions or things they would want to accomplish. I’ve never really done that, Or even thought of things I would want to accomplish in the new year.
For a change, this year I thought of writing a list of things I’d want to do/work on throughout the year.
And since my b-day is coming up, it’s a new year of my life as well :)
So I’m combining New Year’s/b-day’s resolutions together.
Spiritually:-get closer to church and god
and start praying!
Socially:-Work on my communication skills.
Communication to me somehow seems sooo much work that I just lack the energy for.
Lately people have been telling me I’m very vague and very random. Sometimes I’m even rude, although I in no way mean it.
And when people are talking to me, I noticed lately that I just space out and wander with my eyes, or hear them talking but it just doesn’t sink in, like they’re talking Gibberish to me. (Concentration level?)
-Work on friendships
I have a few broken relationships that I would want to fix before this year ends.
-go out!
One more thing I noticed, that I have been isolating myself from people. Only a few that I see or talk to, actually not even a few :)
Family: My parents and other family members are complaining that they don’t see me or spend time with me anymore, so I’ve decided to try and squeeze in some quality time!
Academically: focus more on school, it’s my last year, might as well make the most of it
And then comes
I have been getting sick so much lately that I don’t remember the last time I was actually feeling well.
I got to work on my eating habits. Meaning I need to actually EAT! And eat healthy :)
Exercise regularly. Lose a few pounds, and… start taking my vitamins/meds
(might it help with my concentration level problem!)
Hmm I think that’s more than enough for one year!
I’d be happy if I’m even half way through the list by the end of this year :)
Happy 2007!