
Bits and pieces of an everyday life!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

is it being realistic?...

... or is it that we are walking dead on earth?
we as humans are extremely ambitious. I've always beleived that we can't not dream of what we want to acheive, or who we want to become. And when we dream, we dream of greatness. Once we stop dreaming we lose sight and let our souls die...

As i was reading this book, McManus emphasised best what i exactly beleived in and didn't know how to put in words...
Read ahead :)

"As children we assume that greatness is within our grasp, whatever inspires us, we begin to dream that one day we will be the best. It is only as we lose our childlike innocence that we begin to settle for less. A part of growing up seems to be acquiescing to mediocrity. It's easy to say that we're just becoming realistic, that its just a part of growing up. But, in fact, it's the death of our souls. When we stop dreaming, we start dying. For some of us, this has been a slow, painful death. Others are just walking dead. They died a long time ago, and it's nothing less than a freak of nature that they're still breathing"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

To the question of your life, you are the only answer. To the problems of your life, you are the only solution...

Any food for thought ?

Monday, June 18, 2007

You Know You're From Washington When....

1. You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Enumclaw and Issaquah.
2. You consider swimming an indoor sport.
3. You keep snow chains in your trunk but they've never been used.
4. You see a person carrying an umbrella and know they must be a tourist.
5. Eating seafood isn't anything special.
6. Your lawn is mostly moss and you don't really care.
7. Your daily commute to work involves riding a ferry.
8. You know the difference between "showers followed by rain" and "rain followed by showers".
9. The sight of Mt. Rainier is still awe inspiring.
10. You're extremely picky about your coffee.
11. You yell at the TV if they pronounce the name of a city wrong or make an inaccurate Seattle reference on "Frasier" or "Grey's Anatomy."
12. You rarely wash your car because it's just going to get muddy again tomorrow.
13. You wouldn't dream of putting an air conditioner in your house.
14. You go to Eastern Washington to get some sun.
15. You can drive from your home to a lake, a river or the Puget Sound in 20 minutes or less.
16. You've seen or know someone who has seen Bigfoot.
17. You remember where you were on May 18th, 1980.
18. You get a terrible sunburn on the first really nice day of summer.
19. You look forward to SeaFair and all its related activities.
20. You take a heavy coat and a hat with you for a day at the beach.
21. You have learned to assume Christmas will be rainy, not white.
22. You've owned the same bathing suit for years because you never have a chance to wear it out.
23. You still can't believe the new Seahawks stadium is open air.
24. Your phone book contains a tide table.
25. You only visit the Space Needle if you need someplace to take out of town guests.
26. You or someone you know works at Boeing or Microsoft.
27. You "Do The Puyallup" every year.
28. You feel guilty throwing something away that could be recycled.
29. You use the word "sunbreak" and know what it means.
30. You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.
31. You know more people who own boats than air conditioners.
33. You never go camping without water proof matches and a poncho.
34. You have no concept of humidity without precipitation.
36. You wear shorts when the temperature gets above 50 but still wear your hiking boots and parka.
37. You switch to your sandals at about 60 degrees but keep your socks on.
38. You have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.
39. You buy new sunglasses every year because you've lost last years pair after such a long time not needing them.
40. You measure distance in hours.
41. You often switch from heat to a/c in your car in the same day.
42. You use a down comforter in the summer.
43. You carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them.
44. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit under a raincoat.
45. You choose your vacation spot according to the best latte stands.
46. You purchase a new car and the 'Northwest Package' includes a built in umbrella holder.
49. You can't make it two blocks without seeing a Starbucks.
50. When you hear people from Eastern WA say they're going to the coast, you assume they mean Ocean Shores.
51. You make reference to the new neighborhood going up down the street and people have to ask, "Which one?"
52. You can't believe that people in Spokane actually have yellow grass in the winter and green grass in the summer. 53. You know how to pronounce geoduck and know that it doesn't quack or have feathers.
54. You expect snow for Valentine's Day, not Christmas.
55. You get upset when a store doesn't carry your favorite brand of bottled water.
56. You can tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and Thai food. 57. You can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle's Best and Tully's.
58. It's not a real mountain unless it has snow and has erupted within the last 200 years.
59. You go to work in the dark and come home in the dark even though you only have an 8 hour workday.
60. You've ever stood alone on a deserted street corner in the rain.
61. You can tell its summer because the rain is warmer.
62. You know what a Frango is.
63. You think the "Middle East" is Ellensburg and the "Far East" is Spokane.
64. You realize no education is required to be a weatherman. Just predict, "Partly cloudy with a chance of rain."
65. You have an earthquake story, and so does everyone else you know.
66. You can identify seven different types of rain.
67. You can identify five different cities by smell alone.
68. You thing espresso was invented in Seattle, along with Starbucks.
69. You know what 'Sodo Mojo' is.
70. You can turn in any direction and be within a stones throw of an Indian-run casino.
71. You think summer starts in July and winter in September.
72. It's not a real windstorm until your lawn ornaments blow away.
73. You know exactly where Tom Hank's boathouse was in "Sleepless In Seattle".
74. You know who J.P. Patches is.
75. At least one of your neighbors has a hot tub they haven't used in over a year.
79. You know you better enjoy the snow the first day it falls before the rain washes it away.
80. You marvel when the autumn leaves stay on the trees for more than three days before the rain knocks them to the ground.
82. You give directions using the Puget Sound and Cascade mountains as points of reference.
83. You lose your sense of direction if you go east of the Cascade mountains.
84. You know at least 5 different ways to kill slugs.
85. You know at least 10 different recipes that call for blackberries.
86. You are not sure of the color of your house because of all of the rhododendron bushes planted in front of it. .
90. You can endure 100 days of rain and wind but an inch of snow means school cancellations. 91. You consider an antique anything mad before 1970.
92. You know someone whose house has been partially crushed by a tree.
95. You own a barbeque that has rusted.
96. You change your wiper blades more often than your oil.
97. Your idea of dancing is nodding your head vigorously.
98. You use your defogger and your AC at the same time.
99. You don't own anything made of wool.
100. When someone honks at you, you think they are trying to say "hi".
101. You get a least 5 e-mails a week from friends asking you to come see their band.
102. You know what a 9-inning lunch is.
103. You think you're working late if you stay past 3 pm.
104. You have more unemployed friends than friends who have jobs.
105. You prefer one mountain range to the other.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Just Take Care of My Eyes!

Sometimes you read something and it makes you stop and think....

There was blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, "now that you can see the world, will you marry me?." The girl was shocked when she saw her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him.

Her boyfriend walked away with tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying.

this is how humans change when their status changes. Only a few remember what life was before, and who has always been there in the most painful situations.

Monday, May 07, 2007

When is separation/break-up the hardest?

Is separation/break-up the hardest at the beginning, or at the end?

Separation or breaking up is “known” to be the hardest the first few weeks/months or even the first year--depending on how deep the relationship was-- we feel disoriented and at "loose ends" in our lives because everything has just been turned upside down. And after the mourning and sadness, we tend to adjust and move on with our lives.

But isn't separation really the hardest when memories get into the picture? when certain situations, activities, or certain places remind us of things that we used to have/do together?

Sunday, March 18, 2007


"You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward."

Ever think what is life? or why are you living in the first place? Or why is it so tough to keep going forward?

Just a thought i'd had all day and wanted to share!

Bonne Nuit

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The pyramid and a $100 bill: SOLUTION

Most people who try to solve this riddle think how to save the $ 100 bill as well as not disturb the pyramid. but the riddle didn't mention anything about saving the bill.

we as humans most likely tend to see things differently through a window, this window is our frame of mind .you and i could be looking at the same exact thing, but see it very different. in the case of the pyramid and the $100 bill we valued the $ 100 more, that burning it wasn't an option. our frame of mind just didn't see this solution. we assumed that the bill had to be safe.

the solution to the riddle is to Burn the $100 bill.